Computational Cardiac Anatomy: 3D analysis of heart function

Principal Investigator: Faisal Beg
MSc Student: Vinay Kotamraju

In collaboration with Dr. Elliot McVeigh of the Johns Hopkins University, we are developing algorithms and tools for the quantitative analysis of myocardial function. Towards this, we research on myocardial motion and strain estimation, and population based strain statistics from tagged MRI datasets.

Myocardial motion Estimation

Tagged MRI is a novel MR Imaging modality that allows for comprehensive myocardial motion estimation. We have developed a non-rigid registration based motion estimation method that uses the Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping (LDDMM) algorithm. While the registration approach has allowed us to circumvent the tag fading effect, the high dimensionality of this registration lets us create synthetic tagged MRI datasets of known ground truth that are close to the real dataset and that can be used for validation of 3D motion estimation algorithms.


 Original Dataset (SA Slice)                       Corresponding Synthetic Slice from Motion Estimatonion


Myocardial Strain Analysis

The resulting deformation field is used to compute regional specific strain maps and temporal plots using the Lagrange Strain Tensor, and, strain-based statistics on a population of hearts.


                                                   Fig: Principal Strains dervied from Strain Tensors 

[1] Estimation of 3D Myocardial motion from tagged MRI using LDDMM, V Kotamraju, E McVeigh, MF Beg - Proceedings of SPIE, 2007

Dr.Faisal Beg :


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